Monday, October 22, 2007


Put aside the debate about whether homosexuality is "right" or "wrong", of whether or not is is "unnatural". Should the government really have jurisdiction of what happens between 2 consenting adults?

This shouldn't be about whether or not we are "too conservative" to endorse homosexuality. I'm pretty sure in our "conservative society" adultery is frowned upon, and yet that isn't illegal is it? Or what of premarital sex? That's morally wrong too isn't it? Does our "conservative majority" disapprove? Probably. Is it illegal? No.

So just because extra-marital and premarital sex are legal, does it mean that we're somehow approving such behaviour? If we are, then shouldn't those laws be changed to reflect societal norms?

Maybe it is a lifestyle choice. Maybe its inborn. But that's besides the point. The state shouldn't be dictating what goes on between 2 adults. It's that simple. Repealing 377A is not going to rip apart the fabric of our society. It's probably already happening regardless of what the law says. And it's probably not very enforceable anyway. Unless the police are spying on every single gay couple in the country and monitoring their every move. So repealing it isn't going to suddenly encourage hordes of gay people to start having sex in public.

And don't bring religion into it. We're supposed to be a secular country, so I don't see why religious views should be taken into account when the state is making decisions.

The bottom line is that the state has no business denying 2 consenting individuals their rights when no one gets hurt.