Saturday, October 22, 2005


I've not had much time to collect my thoughts before putting them down here, but I post out of habit. Maybe I shouldn't. But then again, it's not as if I have nothing that I want to say. I just can't think of a way to contextualise what I want to say, or how to put it down in words, or whether or not I even want to put them down here right now. I will do it. Eventually.

This will have to do for now though.

Things aren't always as bad as they are made out to be, and they rarely are as good as they are hyped up to be either. We need to bear in mind the perpectives of the people giving us their views, and to try to objectively evaluate what they are saying. Sometimes, the best way to do this is to try something for yourself, but when you decide to do that, you should not burden yourself with the expectation that things will turn out for you they way they turned out for other people. They just might, but they could just as easily turn out different. We just have to keep that in mind.

The beauty about all this is that it doesn't even have to make sense to anyone.

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