Sunday, November 27, 2005


I haven't blogged in a bit, mainly because, well, I just haven't felt the urge to do so in a while. Maybe it's because of school, and the work that I have to do just to keep up. Itsd draining to be working everyday, and still find out that it's barely enough. How my standards have changed. Barely enough used to be all that I needed to do. Now I find my classes fun and interesting, and at the same time so rushed. I find my study time ineffective, and I get the sense that I'm not really learning well. The profs all seem more intent on completing what they have to now, before the exams begin, and wonderful scheduling that McGill has, school ends on the 2nd of december, and exams start on the 5th.

But, enough of the whining about the daily grind. I will live through this, somehow, as I always do, and I'll deal with it as it comes. On a more interesting note, the first snowfall came and went, all of two weeks ago (I think). It's been below zero all day for a week or so now, and winter hasn't even officially started yet.

Brian Greene came to McGill on the 21st of November, and gave a lecture about the state of string theory. Very interesting stuff, go here for a look.

Pictures of the snow will follow soon, probably after my finals. Updates will be infrequent till then. To those who come here regularly, sorry ah. Been busy, and some of you probably know why. =p

Monday, November 07, 2005

I am that boy

I am that boy whom you used to have to take for walks at night, just so that I could see her come home from work.

I am that boy whom was always told I had to set an example because I was the oldest one.

I am that boy who got so frustrated with hearing you saying that, because I was not always the one in the wrong, that I shouted at you one day.

I am that boy who was given a hand-crafted rocking horse, flown all the way from Bradford, England, which is still around the house today.

I am that boy who was locked out, alone in the corridor in the middle of the night, who had you asking for me to be let into the house again.

I am that boy who remembers the many times you brought me to the biscuit shops across the road all those years ago.

I am that boy who remembers you bringing me to the playground to play on the slide and the merry-go-round.

I am that boy who always looked forward to Easter, when I would always get a Cadbury's Caramel Egg from you.

I am that boy who wondered why you stopped taking me to the playground and why you didn't buy me biscuits anymore.

I am that boy who remembers how sad it made you to see him suffering like that.

I am that boy who knows how moved you are every time you hear "How Great Thou Art".

I am that boy who began secondary school hating it, and came home complaining about it every day.

I am that boy who had the time of my life in that very same school.

I am that boy who had, and still has, the greatest friends that I'll ever have from those times.

I am that boy, who never really appreciated how wonderful it was, until it was almost over.

I am that boy who is probably your favourite grandchild, though you would not admit, and I know because you always offer to buy me breakfast on Saturdays.

I am that boy who everyone says is cynical, but yet holds on to my ideals.

I am that boy who did so well, you probably expected more of me.

I am that boy who did not want to disappoint you, but probably did anyway.

I am that boy who was so impressed with how you could still remember so much, and how you could offer me help, that I'd always tell my friends about it.

I am that boy who probably has never told you how much I admire your drive and motivation, and how I sometimes wish I could work as hard as you did when you used to come back from work tired, have your dinner and take a nap, before waking up to pick her up and then come back to finish up your work before going to bed at 2, and waking up at 6:30 again the next morning.

I am that boy who wanted to say sorry and talk about things, but never found a time to do so.

I am that boy who talked to my friends instead, and from talking to them realised how much you were doing, and how difficult it must have been for you.

I am that boy who should have found a time to tell you all this, but never did.

I am that boy who was still surprised that you managed to get all of them to come, without my knowledge, and didn't really say thank you.

I am that boy who really really appreciates the fact that all of you made it, and that you guys came and stayed the night with me.

I am that boy who told you that it'd be ok if I went alone, but was actually hoping that you would come along.

I am that boy who was glad that you did decide to come along, but never got the chance to tell you so.

I am that boy who never really got to say a proper good-bye, to tell you to take care of yourselves, and not to worry about me.

I am that boy who doesn't want to disappoint you again, but sometimes worries that it might be beyond my ability.

I am that boy who really appreciates the opportunity given to me, but probably has not told you before.

I am that boy, who now is where I am today because of all that you've all done for me.

I am that boy who wants to say thank you, for everything that you've all done, and sorry, for the things that I shouldn't have done.

I am that guy, I am that friend.

I am that boy, I am that grandson.

I am that son.