Monday, February 28, 2005


"The bullshit ends 210305"
"No more lies!"
"Jeffery Wong Sucks"

Went back to camp for another phantom stock take today. After watching my friends play assorted card games, and after I played a few myself, I found a marker pen and put it to good use. I "posted" the 1st 3 phrases on my foam mattress, and the last one on my locker. Just to kill time. It was really boring, and yes, sad to say, I've really come to feel that my battalion stinks. Didn't feel this way till after Ex Wallaby in Australia. Since then, we've been treated like scum. In case you're wondering, Jeffery Wong or rather, Warrant Jeffery Wong is the current RSM of 1st Commando Battalion.

Going back again tomorrow. If the marker's still lying around tomorrow, I'll probably use it again.

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