Sunday, December 11, 2005


And so it is almost over. 3 papers in 4 days, and a 12 day break before my last final exam to write. After more than a week of endless revision, it feels nice to be able to take my time to prepare for my last final exam.

What really got to me about having 3 finals to write in the 1st 4 days of the examination period, which started the weekend after the term ended, was that there was no time at all to review my material. Despite me being consistent in my work, I still felt unprepared for the finals I had to write. Of course, profs doing a half-baked job of explaining new concepts in class on Friday, just before the final on Monday did not help.

For now, I am just glad it is almost over. And also a little impatient to get my results. I don't want to wait to find out where I stand. The university's grading system makes getting an A really quite demanding in my opinion, but then again, I might just be saying that because I'm still new to everything, and in the process of adapting to a new system. And yet, I do not think that getting that A is beyond my ability, or at least I don't think so now. I want to know if I'm good enough currently, and if I'm not, I want an indication of how much more it's going to take.

And to all those people who've told me that JC and the A levels are the toughest time of your academic life, I have to say I'll reserve my judgement for now. I need to have an indication of where I stand before I can say whether that is true or not. Having been out of school for so long, I have no idea how to gauge my academic abililty anymore.

But enough about school for now. There is now breathing space, and a trip to Quebec City might be in the works. I know I said I'd post photos of winter and snow up, and I'm a little behind on that. Photos should be up in another day or 2. If I do go to Quebec City, I'll try to take photos in the -15 degree cold.

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