Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to school

As I begin to slowly settle back into school, I'm both excited and apprehensive. Excited because there are lots of interesting courses that I'm doing, and yet apprehensive because all of the courses I'm enrolled in require lots of work. There are no public holidays this school term, not a single one, and so we have a one week "spring" "break" in February, "spring" because spring in Montreal isn't really spring - January and February are the coldest months in a year, and "break" because, well, there are no classes. But not having classes doesn't mean that you don't have loads of readings, assignments, papers due and midterms right after.

It is only the 2nd day of school, and I already have deadlines for 3 assignments, 3 papers, an oral presentation and a group project. Not to mention the labs, tutorials and reading for class. And most of the profs in my classes have decided that posting new assignments every week or so is the "in" thing, and have decided they want to be cool and funky too. And who could forget the final examinations. Whoo-hoo.

On the other hand, part of me is, for reasons not very apparent to me, quitely confident that I will manage all of this somehow. Maybe it's because with almost all my first sem grades in, I'm doing alright. Not fantastic, but not too shoddy either. So if I've done it once before, I probably could do it again. But just because I've done something before, doesn't necessarily mean that I'd like or want to do it again. Then again, I don't have all that much of a choice.

I'm probably just over thinking things, but that's what this place is for. Catharsis. I just need to vent.

I'm not all that coherent today, and if you're confused by me, well, that's the point. That's exactly how I feel. Confused.


char said...

what is Ka-tar-sees ah? so cheem.. me catch no ball leh... n don't tell me to it. hahahahaah
i'm just niao-ing u.. as usual lah

tim said...

2)A purifying or figurative cleansing fo the emotions.

And just in case:

The act of purging; specifically: vigorous evacuation of the bowel

Now don't bother me anymore. Go away.

char said...

u it! bah. i'll go away now. i got some 'purgation' of my own to do. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Of course it isn't "spring break". It's reading week. It's meant for reading, silly, i.e., you kill yourself even more during the week of no classes than the weeks in which you do have classes.

And yes, this is Karen, i.e., the one living two minutes from where you live most of the time now. =D

Quixotism said...

At least we're having spring-ey weather now although I hate taking 25 minutes to get to school, falling because of frickin ice. I rather have -40 temperatures than feeling like a member of Cirque du Soleil everytime I try to get to school... Karen! Remember our wonderful days during Spring Break at Cafe Supreme???!?!?! Waaaah!

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean the fantabulously wonderful studying that we did? YAY! =P

Quixotism said...

I meant the dragging of 20+ books and laptops to the cafe, yes. Can't forget the girl who also confessed her love for *someone then, can we?