Friday, July 07, 2006

I'm back

I'm back in Singapore, and will be around till the 30th of August. Call me at my old mobile phone number, e-mail me, or msn me to arrange for a meet-up. I'm almost done with the unpacking, most of my stuff is out of the bags, and I just need to finish up. The flight home was long, and the 11-hour journey from Chicago to Tokyo was made worse by the other passengers sitting beside me.

I was assigned the middle seat of the 3 beside the window on the left side of the plane. I remember telling the agent that I'd like a window seat, but I guess the plane must have been full. Anyway, it was too late, and I took my seat beside the guy sitting on the inside. I silently hope that the seat on my right will remail empty so that I can take it, and give myself some breathing space. That hope disaapears when a plump middle aged man in an orange t-shirt takes the seat beside me. It dawns on me that it is going to be a long and uncomfortable trip when the y on my left gets up to go to the washroom before the plane takes off. The guy on my right also lets out a big yawn, and I am left cursing my luck. His breath smells of cigarettes, and to add to that, it smells REALLY bad. The heavy - morning breath - kind of bad. Except worse. So throughout the flight, I have to keep getting up to let the guy on the inside go to the washroom, and I have to contend with Mr Dragon Breath on my right, who loves to yawn, and being a smoker, coughs a lot. He also drinks alcohol at every meal, adding to the foulness of his breath. I am half tempted to go the the washroom and get him a toothbrush, but I restrain myself.

I arrive in Tokyo with my olfactory system barely functioning, and proceeed to the gate, where I have a 4 hour wait ahead of me. I listen to the Rent soundtrack again, and realise that most of the songs are growing on me. I feel like watching it all over again. There is a delayed telecast of the Italy - Germany semi-final, so the wait is not too long. The flight from Tokyo to Singapore is thankfully, pretty empty, and I get the whole row of window seats to myself, for which I am very thankful after my 11-hour ordeal.

Anyway, I arrive in Singapore without incident, and meet my parents at the gate and we go home. I can't sleep, so I stay up to watch the France - Portugal semi, which was so boring I fell asleep at the end.

Anyway, now that I'm back, and I have a regular internet connection, posts should become more frequent. I know I said that last time, but that was before my girlfirend's roommate decided to cancel her internet without telling her. Meanwhile, I was too cheap to pay for 2 months of internet that I won't be using for July and August, so I did without much internet since May.

And just before I end, pictures of my apartment are up on my flickr page. They've been organised into a set, and I had to delete the one of my trips to Niagara Falls and Quebec City in September and December respectively. The photos are still there, but since I can only have 3 sets, what I will do is start tagging all my photos, so they can be easliy searched. The photos for my summer trips to Niagara Falls, New York and a 1-day camping trip to Mont Tremblant are not up yet - I have to edit and upload them first.


Anonymous said...

Uwaa...your flat looks super-nice. (We have to break in the kitchen by cooking lots of things in it!)

tim said...

Sure thing. I'll get back in on the 31st of August. Feel free to come on over whenever. (Oh, and you can feel free to "forget" about the PS2 too! haha)