Saturday, September 23, 2006

Back to school again

It's about 3 weeks into the semester, and the work is starting to come in. Settling in again was pretty easy, and classes seem pretty interesting, but challenging at the same time. I'm sort of glad that work already seems to occupy a good part of my time, and now that I've managed to get a job as well, the year ahead will probably go by fast.

It feels good to be back in school again actually, and I'm excited by what I'm going to be learning. However, the majority of the electrical engineering students seem to be really inconsiderate assholes. There have been people not only refuse to turn off their phones in class, but also answer them, without even bothering to be discreet about it.

Yes, I know that hands-free is really neat, and that your phone is really new and you think it's so cool, but don't answer it in class. Oh, and just in case you don't know, your uber cool phone doesn't impress me, because honestly, I've seen uber cool phones like the Samsung Ultra series. I know your friend tells you your new Nokia is so slim and what not, but it's a brick compared to what's available where I from. So stop flaunting it at me and leave it in your pocket.

There was also this class that I sat through, where the prof was going through some stuff slowly. It wasn't difficult to understand, and it was only semi-new, but more than half the class did not have the courtesy to keep quiet, even after he sublty hinted that he was "not used to this low rumbling background noise". And, because they talk so much, they miss what he is saying, and ask him about it 5 seconds after he explains something. I totally understand if you've been paying attention, and don't get it. But if you didn't want to listen, and then realised that you missed out on something, don't slow down the whole class because you weren't listening in the first place.

And this one takes the cake. Really. There were 3 guys in front of me during the above-mentioned class. They weren't paying attention, and one of them was messing around with their calculators. It must really have been an achievement for one of them to spell "5EX" it because they were passing it around and finding it really amusing. I had to prevent myself from bursting out into a "wah piang eh", and I was half tempted to ask them to go and get laid already, but then I realised that no, if you were spelling "5EX" on your calculator when you were 19 and finding it really fun, then not being able to get laid would explain your fascination at being able to spell it on your calculator.

So I realise that I'm surrounded by people with the maturity of 6 year olds for the next 3 years. I guess the best I'm going to be able to do is to avoid these people, but there are so many of them, I'm probably not going to have many friends in my faculty.

Good thing work is gonna keep me busy.

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