Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Don't think I don't notice how you only ever bother to know me when you need help. Suddenly you are all buddy-buddy with me just because you can't solve your assignment. You hardly ever talk to me, or even acknowledge me when we see each other, and now you are willing to even offer me "help" leh. Too bad for you I have ample experience dealing with all sorts of people during NS, your type included.

I don't want or need you to be my "friend". So bugger off, and find someone else to leech off.


Quixotism said...

Ouch. Thankfully the fact that I'm not an engineer in McGill rules me out as a possibility. Also the fact that we talk all the time on msn.

Anonymous said...

Never turn away from anyone who needs your help, no matter what their motivation. The good that you do will find its way back to you, sometimes when you least expect it.

Mr. Chu said...

Whoa! Tim finally breaks out the aggression. Hey Suling! Maybe he'll do some commando death-moves for ya!