Tuesday, February 22, 2005

First edition

A month away from completing my National Service, I find myself with lots of free time. Because I have nothing better to do in camp, I often let my mind wander. And since I have nothing better to do at home, I'll put these thoughts of mine down right here. This is my little experiment. I have no idea whether I'll enjoy this 6 months from now, or whether I'll still be posting 1 year on, but I'm bored most of the time, so in the short term, this experiment of mine should be updated pretty frequently.

Time to go now, because Real Madrid are set to play Juventus in a couple of minutes, and without ESPN, I've been starved of live soccer for months now.


Canadian Chick said...

I hope this becomes something that you enjoy. I have enjoyed posting on my blog and have been doing so since august 2004.

My blog has been my excuse to take pictures. I am still practicing my photographic skill, trying and hoping to get better with time.

Welcome to the world of blogging. You can stop by mine to ask any questions you might have. Such as posting pictures or audioblogging, if that might interest you.


Anonymous said...

TIMMY! Of everyone I know, the fact that YOU have a blog.. that really doesn't make sense. Take care!

tim said...

Well suling, it just goes to show exactly how bored I am doesn't it? Haha..