Monday, September 19, 2005

I so should not be writing this at this hour now, but what the heck - having already wasted an entire weekend, what's a couple more hours right? I'll still try to keep this one short though - I need sleep for tomorrow.

Went to catch Russel Peters on Saturday, at the Place-des-Arts, and he was really quite funny. Having seen his clips before, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy watching him as I thought he was ok-funny, but not really all that great. It turns out he is actually really quite funny. His show lasted somewhere around an hour, and he was really warmed up towards the middle of it, when he was hitting all the right notes with the audience. He struggled a little towards the last 10 minutes, but when he came back for his encore, he was pretty funny again. All in all, it was worth the ticket price, and my friends and I left with aching jaws.

The words are starting to fail me, and the brain is no longer active, so this is the end for now.

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