Monday, April 11, 2005

Note to self: do NOT eat a half bag of twisties while down with the flu and having a sore throat.

I was not too hungry during tea time today, just itching to put something in my mouth to munch on, and the bag of twisties sitting in my living room seemed to be calling out to me. Knowing that I was sick and all, I told myself I'd just wash it down with lots of water. Well, I don't think it worked. The flu bug was really getting to me, so I took a nap around 5, after helping my little sis out with some of her homework.

Those twisties sure are bad for your throat. I woke up feeling even worse than this morning. Which is bad because my throat was actually beginning to feel better as the day wore on. Well, at least I'm not down with a fever. Yet. My entire back still aches.

Hope I will feel better tomorrow. And yes, no more junk food while sick. I should try to remember that.

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