Monday, May 02, 2005

First Principles

Worrying does not solve anything. Worrying about things which you have no control over, about things which you an do nothing about, just makes you more miserable. It also makes the people around you miserable.

If doing something makes you worry so much every one gets miserable, maybe you should not do that something.

If you really want to do that something, stop worrying about it. Just take things as they come.

Perspective is important. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't get hung up over "what if" situations. Face up to the problems when they arise. It's important to know what you want, so you have a general plan for things. But that's all it is - a general plan. Be flexible.

Trust yourself. Trust those around you. Trust that you can handle problems if they arise. If you really can't handle the problem, trust that your family and friends will be there to lend a helping hand. Above all, trust God. You do not have to face the world alone.

"God didn't promise day without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain. But He did promise strength for the day, comfort for tears and light for the way"

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