Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"I can't sit in front because then I can't talk. And if I can't talk I'll fall asleep."

This is what someone said to his friend before stepping into one of my classes. If you can't stay awake, buy some coffee, get some gum or just don't come to class. You want to talk in class to stay awake, and then bother the prof about things that have just been explained cos you were too busy talking and weren't listening, get your parents build your own school and hire your own teachers. Otherwise, stay at home and sleep. Don't be a selfish bastard and disrupt others' learning.

I am surrounded by irritating 18-19 year olds, and sometimes school feels like secondary school or JC again. I've lost count of the number of times when profs have had to ask people to keep it down and to stop talking.

There was even once when the prof had to raise her voice and bang on the table in the tutorial and tell the class off because it was too noisy. You know, like when you were in secondary school, and your form teacher would scold to the class about behaving properly during contact time because one of your subject teachers complained. After which there would be this awkward momentary silence. Like that. And then in subsequent classes they laugh about it, because they thought it was funny.

I wonder whether the day will come when the prof starts asking those who talk to put their index fingers on their lips like in primary school. That would be entertaining.

And then when you tell people in class politely to keep quiet because it's distracting, they give you this look like you shouldn't be asking for quiet in class.

I so want to smack them on the head and ask them to wake up their idea. Except that they would not know what the hell I mean.

Stupid kids.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the day when one of your profs walks out of the class.

tim said...

Yeah, me too. Sometimes I wish I was in the Army again, because I have to admit, in the army, you get to see some really creative punishments. Since your direct superiors are usually bored, they ask you to do stupid things which are usually entertaining. I wish my profs had the power to do that. Then at least I could laugh.