Sunday, October 22, 2006

I wish I was a kid again

Sometimes I wish I was a kid again because life was so much easier then, when you could attribute your lack of understanding on the fact that you were too young to know better.

The more you know and understand, the more complicated things become. Because now there are many sides to an issue, and you should be able to distinguish them. Yet, there is no right or wrong. You have to consider the nuances of the situation, the circumstances, and you have to be aware of the consequences of your chosen course of action or inaction. Our actions and feelings are tempered by our knowledge, and the burden of responsibilty that comes with it.

So we make our choices, knowing that we cannot always be fully aware of the consequences, and yet we will have to deal with these as yet undetermined consequences. We feel happy or relieved when we manage to achieve something, or maybe just to get through it. And yet we know that that feeling of satisfaction or relief is only temporary, because there is still more to come. Personal responsibilty behooves us to move on, because we cannot live in the past, because the world is moving on, and it is our responsibility to follow suit.

In knowing more, we also see more clearly just how much we don't know, and yet, it is because we want to find out more about what we don't know, that we try to know more.

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