Friday, August 19, 2005

Changes all round

New look, just cos' I was getting bored of the old template. Nicely coincides with major changes in my life right now, with me going to McGill for my undergraduate studies and all. I've been busy packing the past week, most of my stuff is in my luggage now, and I've been clearing out stuff from my room so that my brother can take over the room when I'm gone.

I now understand the buzz about starting school that my friends have been talking about now, but I'm also aware that it'll fizzle out pretty quickly, just like it has for most of my friends. Maybe observing my friends try to cope with school is a good thing, as it gives me an idea of what is to come, but then again, my experience might be completely different.

In a close friend's words, "It'll feel really surreal when you first get there.", and I'm already starting to get that kind of feeling. In a few days, I'll be in a completely new environment among unfamiliar faces.

My parents leave on Sunday for New York, and then they'll drive up to Montreal. I'll be leaving in the wee hours of Tuesday, at 6am. Which means I have to get to the airport by about 4am. Which means I'll be waking up at like 3am. I probably won't be able to get to sleep anyway, so we'll see how it goes.

But I am sleepy now, so I shall end here tonight.

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