Sunday, March 20, 2005

The clock is ticking

Well, just came back from church and had lunch not too long ago. Was in camp doing guard duty on Saturday, and headed straight to church after that. If the Formation Duty Specialist is to believed, my fellow company mates and I are due 1 extra. Too bad we didn't mention to him we're going to ORD tomorrow. "I will recommend 1 extra for all the guards on duty on Saturday!". Right. Since my RSM is only going to be back at the end of the month, and we ORD on the 21st, we weren't exactly shaking in our boots. It was actually quite amusing to be threatened with extras that you couldn't serve. And it was also nice to know the Duty Spec was unaware of this fact. I had to prevent myself from smiling as he was reprimanding us and told us how he was "responsible for the security of the camp".

Whatever. I'm going to be collecting my pink IC tomorrow, so I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. I just remembered the parts where he raised his voice.

Anyway, I'm been accepted by the University of British Columbia, and McGill has notified me via e-mail that I've been accepted. I'm just waiting for written confirmation from McGill. I'm still not quite sure which Uni I'll choose yet. UBC's got mild weather and a nice campus beside the Pacific ocean, but Suling and Charlene will be there next year, and McGill has a great academic record, so I'm still pretty torn between the two.

Decisions, decisions. This one's not going to be easy, and I've only got till about June to decide. In the mean time, I'll probably be spending the whole of today counting down the hours and looking forward to tomorrow. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

am real happy tt you got accepted to the unis you were setting your heart on. now, you just need to narrow it down to "the one". hee... ;)