Friday, March 11, 2005

The hunt for a new laptop

Went to the IT show with Zhiyuan today. We got to Suntec City at about 11:45, so we headed to NYDC for lunch first. We hit the show at about 12:20 or so, and it was really crowded. Met quite a number of our camp-mates, including Phenwei, Edwin and Jack. Zhiyuan was looking around for LCD monitors, and just generally having a look-see. I was on the look out for a laptop for when I go to Canada.

And what really got me is that the sales people didn't know too much about what they were trying to sell. Reading off the flyers I have, and pointing to me what you are reading is not selling a product to me. That ranks up there with teachers who "teach" by reading off their transparancies or powerpoint presentations. Sometimes I just feel like telling people like this that I know how to read on my own. And it's worse if I obviously know more that the person trying to sell the laptop to me.

Oh well, at least they could quote me the price of the laptops. I ended up asking for the weight of the laptops, which oddly enough, isn't usually included in the flyers, and then taking it down so I could go home and find out more on my own online. I'll probably go back again over the weekend after I look up some stuff on the graphics cards that come with the laptops. Looks like I'm going to have to prepare myself to brave the crowds at the IT show a second time.

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