Thursday, March 24, 2005

The job interview

I took a survey on Monday, for this "new recruitment company", or at least that was what I was told. Anyway, since I was looking for a job, I indicated in the survey that I'd like to be informed if they were able to match me to any jobs. So I got a call from them on Tuesday, asking me to go down for an interview with some "nanotech company" on Wednesday. Again, that was what I was told.

So on Wednesday, after playing LAN games with my friends in the afternoon, I went for this "interview". It was scheduled at 7pm, somewhere in Shenton Way. It wasn't an interview. This "nanotech" company sold water treatment systems. I found it a little odd, but since I was there already, I decided to see what it was all about. Big Mistake.

I was asked to fill out a form asking for the usual details, educational background, work experience, that kinda thing. Then they told me that they'd like me to go for a "product orientation". Ok.... I thought this was becoming a bit fishy, but I went for it anyway. So they had one of their sales people basically sell their product to me, except they didn't ask me to buy it. If they had, I would have walked out.

Their "nanotech product" was similar to Diamond Water, basically promising health benefits and the like. To me, the company looked like some MLM-type company, so I didn't pay much attention to the "product orientation".

So maybe I'm a skeptic, but I don't but all this "good for your health", "energised water" crap. I was told "this water is slightly alkali, with a pH of 8" and that is had "anti-oxidant properties". Blah blah blah. And I was asked to drink it. I was told that it was supposed to be "tasteless", but aparrently, "when you drink it, you will find that it does have some taste because internally, your organs might not be very healthy".

So I drank it. It tasted foul. It tasted very fishy, and I think I could detect a hint of ammonia in the taste. According to the salesman, this was because I slept after midnight the day before, and that "it is the time for our liver to purge its toxins". Ok, whatever. Then he told me that if you are healthy, you would find that the water tastes sweet.

Ok, wait a minute...

Me: "I thought you said the water's supposed to be tasteless?"

Salesman: "Yes, but our tongue and it's taste buds are connected to our internal organs, that's why when you drink it, you find it tastes fishy."

Me: "So if I don't live a healthy lifestyle, and I but this product, I'll have to drink this funny tasting water everyday?"

Salesman: "No, the water will help to correct the problems that you have, and eventually you'll find that it tastes sweet."

Me: "But you said it would be tasteless."

Salesman: "Yes, but our tongue and it's taste buds are connected to our internal organs, so if you are healthy, it will taste sweet."

Me: "Ahh, ok."

I was actually thinking, "right, so how the hell in the world do you know that it's actually tasteless?". I mean, if you're unhealthy, it's supposed to taste fishy, bitter or sour, depending on what ails you, and if you're healthy, it tastes sweet. So when is it tasteless?

But I wanted out from that place, so I just agreed with everything he said, then met with their business manager. I told him I was pressed for time, and that I'd call again to fix another time when he could discuss with me my opporunties with the company. Right. Nanotechnology my ass. Maybe I'll just spam his friggin' phone to irritate him so that I could pay him back for wasting my time.

But that too would be a waste of my time. I've got better things to do. Like go play LAN with my friends. =)

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